ילדה: Presenting A Bat Mitzvah Gift to Alisa Laufer

At Alisa Laufer's Bat Mitzvah (16 May 2009), Steve presented the Brotherhood gift.

מה נשתנה הילדה הזאת מכל הילדות

Why is this ילדה - this girl --- why is this girl different from all other girls?

Alisa: You taught us about resting in the sabbatical year and resting in the Jubilee year, but you do not seem to be the resting type. As a young doer and leader, you set examples for others. You were just the CBE coordinator for the Walk for Hunger for seven of your classmates. You have been given dramatic roles ahead of your years. And, you were on the editorial board of ילדה Magazine. Wow! How did that happen? I think you had some good examples to learn from, just as you already set good examples yourself.

Alisa: Continue to live your life as a doer and a leader, as you have been shown by your parents, סבא וסבתא ז״ל (Zichrono Livracha), and your grandmother.

On behalf of the Brotherhood, מזל טוב Alisa. מזל טוב to you and the whole Laufer-Brown משפחה.

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